Sarkoidose, Gesundheit und Verwandtes als Multimedia im Internet

(Start here with an English translation.)

Es kreucht und fleucht so einiges durchs Internet, auch Sarkoidose betreffend. Ich habe jene Einzelvideos (nicht von FSR oder ATS), die mir besonders ins Auge gestochen sind, zu einer Playlist zusammengefasst.

Ich hab auch kurze Inhaltsnotizen ► zu einigen Videos, die zum Video-Anschauen anregen (und mir als Erinnerung dienen) sollen, speziell zum Sarcoidosis Awareness Month 2017.

Resources from FSR - Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research

Currently FSR with its On-Demand Educational Content is the most powerful sarcoidosis resource for patients in the internet. Please find there disease and medication descriptions, webinars, educational conference recordings, advocacy resources and much more.

FSR Videos

Most of FSR's videos can also be found on FSR's Youtube-Channel.
Please find here some personal selection.

Basic Introduction 101 (Mount Sinai, New York, 2011)

Sarcoidosis from tip to toe

Why engage in sarcoidosis?

Resources from Sarcoidosis UK

Most or all videos from Sarcoidosis UK can be found on Sarcoidosis UK's Youtube-Channel.
Please find here some personal selection.

Resources from ATS - American Thoracic Society

Recorded as action of the annual sarcoidosis week (part of the Lung Disease Week at the ATS), some webinars on sarcoidosis are available.

Resources from ERS - European Respiratory Society

See also the channel ERSeducation for further recordings.

Other Collections

Essential lectures on sarcoidosis from other/various sources on youtube: playlist

Please see also Factsheets on Sarcoidosis, the Patient Priorities Patient Compass an other resources.

Youtube Channels and Playlists

Images - Slides - Videos


Fernsehen / Radio


Andere Patienten-Vertretungen



Schmunzeln muss auch sein



(Letzte Änderung: 2021-09-21)